Welcome to our Conan Guild Store!

All items in the Primal Rage Gaming shop are for our time and consideration. Items are not owned by players but are allowed to be used on our servers as a service from us.

If you are looking for VIP, click Here! 

Healing Waterskin

(Gives you Health and Heat resistance)

Stack of 100 Wilderness Stew
(Great Healing Item)

Building Material purchases are good for life - and can be claimed one time per Season.

T1 Building materials pack

T2 Building materials pack

T3 Building materials pack

T4 Building materials pack

Tame pack:
wheel of pain
1000 gruel
steel truncheon
rawhide bindings

Ultimate Tame Pack:
Cage Prison
Szeth's truncheon
chain bindings
2000 gruel

Armor purchases are good for life - and can be claimed one time per Season.

Godbreaker - $10.00
  Lifetime Purchase


Heavy Armor Rating 1,320
Stamina +5 

Strength Weapon Damage +3%
Agility Weapon Damage +3%
Carrying Capacity +15
Cold Resistance 

Chilled Godbreaker - $10.00
  Lifetime Purchase           

Chilled Godbreaker
Heavy Armor Rating 1,100
Stamina +5
Strength Weapon Damage +3%
Agility Weapon Damage +3%
Carrying Capacity +15
Heat Resistance 

Medium Silent Legion Set
Lifetime Purchase

Silent Legion Armor - Medium
Heavy Armor Rating 551
Carrying Capacity +30
Health +40
Strength Weapon Damage +6%
Agility Weapon Damage +6%

Heavy Silent Legion Set
Lifetime Purchase

Silent Legion Armor - Heavy
Heavy Armor Rating 1,100
Carrying Capacity +15
Health +20
Stamina +5
Strength Weapon Damage +6%

Builder Pack purchases are good for life - and can be claimed one time per Season. 

Starter Builder's Packs

400 Walls

250 Ceiling, Wedge Ceiling, Crenelated Wall

100 Foundations, Wedge Foundation, Frame (window), Fence Foundation, Fence, Pillar, Sloped Roof, Inverted Wedge Sloped Roof, Wedge Sloped Roof

50 Left-Sloping Inverted Wall, Left-Sloping Wall, Right-Sloping Inverted Wall, Right-Sloping Wall, Sloped Roof Corner

25 Inverted Sloped Roof Corner, Wall Cap

20 Ramp, Stair, Stair w/Rail, Rooftop End, Rooftop, Rooftop Corner, Rooftop Junction, Rooftop Intersection, Rooftop Cap, Awning, Awning Corner

10 Doorframe, Door, Gateframe, Gate, Ramp Corner, Stair Corner, Hatch Frame, Hatch door

1 Large Chest, Bed, Large Campfire

Tier 1 $5.00   Sandstone  

Foundations 10k Health

Tier 2 $8.00   Stonebrick  

Foundations 50k Health 

Tier 3 $10.00   Reinforced Stone   

Foundations 100k Health

DLC Building Packs - $15.00  (Choice of DLC Pack  - See options below.)
You must own the DLC to purchase any DLC building packs.

The Standard DLC pack comes with 39 individual Building items which we have provided in the sets below.   There are a few DLCs that offer alternate items or additional items, these items will be showcased in Orange.  We have also reduced the price for the Derketo building set due to the limited building items it provided, and as an additional option, we have added a collective decoration pack that offers decorations from various DLCs.

See DLC building set details below:

$15.00 - People of the Dragon

400 Walls,

250 Ceiling, Wedge Ceiling, Crenelated Wall,

100 Foundations, Wedge Foundation, Fence Foundation, Fence, Pillar, Sloped Roof, Inverted Wedge Sloped Roof, Wedge Sloped Roof,

50 Frame (window), Frame Alt (window), Left-Sloping Inverted Wall, Left-Sloping Wall, Right-Sloping Inverted Wall, Right-Sloping Wall, Sloped Roof Corner,

25 Inverted Sloped Roof Corner, Wall Cap,

20 Ramp, Stair, Stair w/Rail, Rooftop End, Rooftop, Rooftop Corner, Rooftop Junction, Rooftop Intersection, Rooftop Cap, Awning, Awning Corner, Vaulted Ceiling (single), Vaulted Ceiling Corner (single), Vaulted Ceiling, Vaulted Ceiling Junction, Vaulted Ceiling Corner, Vaulted Ceiling Intersection, Vaulted Ceiling Inverted Corner (single)

10 Doorframe, Door, Gateframe, Gate, Ramp Corner, Stair Corner, Hatch Frame, Hatch door

1 Large Chest, Bed, Large Campfire

$15.00 - Jewels of the West

400 Walls,

250 Ceiling, Wedge Ceiling, Crenelated Wall,

100 Foundations, Wedge Foundation, Frame (window), Fence Foundation, Fence, Pillar, Sloped Roof, Inverted Wedge Sloped Roof, Wedge Sloped Roof,

50 Left-Sloping Inverted Wall, Left-Sloping Wall, Right-Sloping Inverted Wall, Right-Sloping Wall, Sloped Roof Corner,

25 Inverted Sloped Roof Corner, Wall Cap,

20 Ramp, Stair, Stair w/Rail, Rooftop End, Rooftop, Rooftop Corner, Rooftop Junction, Rooftop Intersection, Rooftop Cap, Awning, Awning Corner,

10 Doorframe, Door, Gateframe, Gate, Ramp Corner, Stair Corner, Hatch Frame, Hatch door

1 Large Chest, Bed, Large Campfire

$15.00 - Treasures of Turan

400 Walls,

250 Ceiling, Wedge Ceiling, Crenelated Wall,

100 Foundations, Wedge Foundation, Frame (window), Fence Foundation, Fence, Pillar, Sloped Roof, Inverted Wedge Sloped Roof, Wedge Sloped Roof,

50 Left-Sloping Inverted Wall, Left-Sloping Wall, Right-Sloping Inverted Wall, Right-Sloping Wall, Sloped Roof Corner,

25 Inverted Sloped Roof Corner, Wall Cap,

20 Ramp, Stair, Stair w/Rail, Rooftop End, Rooftop, Rooftop Corner, Rooftop Junction, Rooftop Intersection, Rooftop Cap, Awning, Awning Corner,

10 Doorframe, Door, Gateframe, Gate, Ramp Corner, Stair Corner, Hatch Frame, Hatch door

1 Large Chest, Bed, Large Campfire

$15.00 - Siptah - StormGlass

400 Walls,

250 Ceiling, Wedge Ceiling, Crenelated Wall,

100 Foundations, Wedge Foundation, Frame (window), Fence Foundation, Fence, Pillar, Sloped Roof, Inverted Wedge Sloped Roof, Wedge Sloped Roof,

50 Left-Sloping Inverted Wall, Left-Sloping Wall, Right-Sloping Inverted Wall, Right-Sloping Wall, Sloped Roof Corner, Sloped Window, Ceiling Window,

25 Inverted Sloped Roof Corner, Wall Cap,

20 Ramp, Stair, Stair w/Rail, Rooftop End, Rooftop, Rooftop Corner, Rooftop Junction, Rooftop Intersection, Rooftop Cap, Awning, Awning Corner, Vaulted Ceiling, Vaulted Ceiling (single), Vaulted Ceiling Corner, Vaulted Ceiling Corner (single), Vaulted Ceiling Intersection, Vaulted Ceiling Junction, Vaulted Ceiling Inverted Corner,

10 Doorframe, Door, Gateframe, Gate, Ramp Corner, Stair Corner, Hatch Frame, Hatch door

1 Large Chest, Bed, Large Campfire

$15.00 - Architect of Argos

400 Walls,

250 Ceiling, Wedge Ceiling, Crenelated Wall,

100 Foundations, Wedge Foundations, Frame (window), Fence Foundation, Fence, Pillar, Sloped Roof, Inverted Wedge Sloped Roof, Wedge sloped Roof.

50 Left-Sloping Inverted Wall , Left-Sloping Wall, Right-Sloping Inverted Wall, Right-Sloping Wall,  Sloped Roof Corner, Argossean Pillar (bottom), Argossean Pillar (Middle), Argossean Pillar (Top),

25 Inverted Sloped Roof Corner, Wall Cap,

20 Ramp, Stair, Stair w/Rail, Rooftop End, Rooftop, Rooftop Corner, Rooftop Junction, Rooftop Intersection, Rooftop Cap, Awning, Awning Corner, Vaulted Ceiling, Vaulted Ceiling (single), Vaulted Ceiling Corner, Vaulted Ceiling Corner (single), Vaulted Ceiling Intersection, Vaulted Ceiling Inverted Corner (single),  Vaulted Ceiling Junction,

10 Doorframe, Door, Gateframe, Gate, Ramp Corner, Stair Corner, Hatch frame, Hatch door

 1 Large Chest, 1 Bed, 1 Large Campfire.

$15.00 - Blood and Sand - Arena

400 Walls,

250 Ceiling, Wedge Ceiling, Crenelated Wall, Fence, Ceiling (Sand Covered), Wedge Ceiling (Sand Covered),

100 Foundation, Wedge Foundation, Frame (Window), Pillar, Foundation (Sand covered), Wedge Foundation (Sand covered),

20 Stair, Stairs Inverted Corner, Vaulted Ceiling, Vaulted Ceiling (single), Vaulted Ceiling Corner, Vaulted Ceiling Corner (single), Vaulted Ceiling Intersection, Vaulted Ceiling Inverted Corner (single), Vaulted Ceiling Junction,

10 Doorframe, Door (wooden), Gateframe, Gate (wooden),Stairs Corner, Door (Bars), Gate (Bars).

$15.00 - Riders of Hyboria 

400 Walls,

250 Ceiling, Wedge Ceiling, Hay-Covered Ceiling, Hay-Covered Wedge Ceiling,

100 Foundation, Wedge Foundation, Lattice Wall (window), Fence Foundation, Fence, Pillar, Hay-Covered Foundation, Hay-Covered Wedge Foundation, Paved Stone Walkway, Paved Stone Walkway (alt),

50 Lattice Wall (Half height), Stable Fence (Pillars), Wooden Strut Support,

10 Lattice Doorframe, Lattice Door, Stable Fence Gate Frame, Large Stable Fence Gate, Lg Stable Fence Gate Frame (Pillars), Stable Fence Gate Frame (Pillars), Stable Fence Gate Frame, Stable Fence Gate (small gate door), Cart with Barrels, Cart, Wheelbarrow, Cart Wheel, Log Pile, Water Trough, Food Trough, Haystack, Haystack Small, Weather Vane - Dragon, Weather Vane - Sword, Weather Vane - Wolf.

$10.00    Debaucheries of Derketo - Treehouse set

500 Stable Pillars

250 Stable Wall, Stable Ceiling, Stable Wedge Ceiling

100 Treehouse Foundation, Stage, Stage Corner (Straight), Stage Corner (Round), Stage Steps

25 Rope Bridge (short), Rope Bridge (Medium), Rope Bridge (long), Hanging Bridge (short), Hanging Bridge (Medium), Hanging Bridge (Long)

20 Curtains (double short), Curtains (double long), Curtains (double pulled back), Curtains (single long), Curtains (valance)

AOC Faction Building Packs -  (Choice of Faction and Tier - See options below.)

400 Walls

250 Ceiling, Wedge Ceiling, Crenelated Wall

100 Foundations, Wedge Foundation, Frame (window), Fence Foundation, Fence, Pillar, Sloped Roof, Inverted Wedge Sloped Roof, Wedge Sloped Roof

50 Left-Sloping Inverted Wall, Left-Sloping Wall, Right-Sloping Inverted Wall, Right-Sloping Wall, Sloped Roof Corner

25 Inverted Sloped Roof Corner, Wall Cap

20 Ramp, Stair, Stair w/Rail, Rooftop End, Rooftop, Rooftop Corner, Rooftop Junction, Rooftop Intersection, Rooftop Cap, Awning, Awning Corner

10 Doorframe, Door, Gateframe, Gate, Ramp Corner, Stair Corner, Hatch Frame, Hatch door

1 Large Chest, Bed, Large Campfire

**NOTE Some factions have alternate building styles or colors, See below for details**

        Tier 1 - $8                                                      Tier 2  - $10                                                 Tier 3 - $15                                                    Tier 4 - $20

Foundation 50k Health                                   Foundation 60k Health                                     Foundation 100k Health                                   Foundation 150k Health

Cold Embrace 

Tier 1 - Scourged 

Tier 2 - Kronyx Brick

Tier 3 - Kronyx Fortified

Tier 4 - Kronyx Citadel. Alternate: You will receive 125 Kronyx Citadel Ceiling and 125 Citadel Decorative Ceiling Pieces.

Elven Covenant

Tier 1 - White Oak 

Tier 2 - Anthracite Brick

Tier 3 - Anthracite Fortified

Tier 4 - Anthracite Temple

Shadaerion Dominion

Tier 1 - Oak 

Tier 2 - Slate

Tier 3 - Slate Fortified

Tier 4 - Slate Temple.  Alternate: You will receive 125 Slate Temple Ceiling, and 125 Temple Decor Ceiling Pieces.

Order of Elvanor

Tier 1 - White Oak

Tier 2 - Marble Brick

Tier 3 - Marble Fortified

Tier 4 - Marble Castle.  Alternate: You will receive 65 Marble Castle Ceiling, 65 Sanctum Ceiling, 65 Sanctum Intersection Decor Ceiling, and 65 Sanctum Path Decor Ceiling.

Kingdom of Stormhold

Tier 1 - Oak.  Roof Color (Choose 1): Blue, Teal, Red.

Tier 2 Marble Brick.  Roof Color (Choose 1): Blue, Teal, Red.

Tier 3 Marble Fortified. Roof Color (Choose 1): Blue, Teal, Red.

Tier 4 Marble Castle.  Roof Color (Choose 1): Blue, Teal, Red.  You will also receive 65 Marble Castle Ceiling, 65 Golden Tile Ceiling, 65 Arkanvail Ceiling, 65 Anour Hill Ceiling Pieces.

Clans of Vanghoul

Tier 1 - Pine

Tier 2 - Granite Brick

Tier 3 - Granite Fortified

Tier 4 - Granite Fortress